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Inconsistent Reports data


Level 2
I'm seeing an oddity with Reporting. I have a Project report setup to pull Hours on Projects and SUM those Hours in that Column. There is a Matrix Grouping setup for it as well. When I run the report it pulls in the Hours data into the Matrix view and all appears good. But when I switch to the Details tab and compare the numbers, they are very close but not exact. (i.e. one category will have 104 on the Matix tab and 102 in the Details tab, another will have 10 in the Matrix tab and 8 in the Details tab.) Any idea what may be going on here? Chris Jackson CheckMark
1 Reply


Level 2
I figured out what was going on. By default the Hours field is rounding to the nearest integer. So I just switched my Hours column to text mode and changed the valueformat and other format fields to "double" instead of "doubleAsInt". Hope this helps someone else. Chris Jackson CheckMark