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In our 2021 State of Work Report, we took the puls..



In our 2021 State of Work Report, we took the pulse of a workforce just weeks before COVID-19 was declared a pandemic, and again 8 months later, which revealed how drastically the pandemic changed digital work.

We found that many of the changes were positive for both employees and companies. Due to the nature of remote work, employees report that they are suffering significantly less (-10 points) from feeling micromanaged than when they were in the office.

You can read the whole report here, but we want to know—How is your team using Workfront to add visibility for leadership in Workfront?

Some ideas for reports to add visibility for leadership are:

  • Report on groups by business leader
  • Check out built in reports that come from Workfront and customize them to share with your executives
  • Volume Reports - Show Executives and Managers how busy their Teams are and if additional resources or reprioritization is needed.
    • XX number of projects in flight, in planning, etc.
    • XX number of projects were closed last quarter
    • If a new, unplanned, urgent project is requested, show the requestor or leadership what other items are being worked on and how shifting timelines to work on the new request will affect others projects.
  • Resource allocation - helpful if resource management features are leveraged.
  • Business Initiatives ‚Äì Create a custom field with drop-down options for key business objectives (i.e. cost savings, development, efficiency, customer satisfaction, etc.).
    • Example: How much of the work being done is ad hoc or unplanned, how much is strategic, how much is planned, etc.
    • Example: How much of our work is allocated to each initiative?


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