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Icons not operating as navigation


Level 1
Hi There - On our projects page we have created a view that shows the status icons. If the icon is colored (rather than grey) it shows that that item (Ex. Documents) has content (Ex. documents loaded to that task). In the very recent past, we could click on the colored document icon to navigate directly to that task's documents (or that task's approvals, etc.). This no longer works. Will this ability return? Are other folks experiencing this? Thanks, Kristin Kristin Rice Stirling Ultracold
4 Replies


Level 8
Have you logged it with the help desk as a bug? The icon changes indicating it expects a hyperlink, so I don't think it's deliberate. Barry Buchanan - WMA Work Management Australia


Level 1
Yep. Logged it last week and then sent follow-up images to explain what I was seeing. Kristin Rice Stirling Ultracold


Level 2
Hi Kristin, Are you still having this issue? I use the same thing and about a month ago it inexplicably broke. Then a few weeks later is fixed itself. Is it still broken for you? I just verified in our status icons column when I click on a blue document icon and was taken to the document location within the project. Curious to see if it's still not working for you, because it randomly fixed itself for me! John Mitchell Eyefinity


Level 1
Hi John, I logged the issue with support ( 00164749) and they identified it as a bug (9/25) and noted they would respond back when it was resolved. I did not hear back - but soon after my icons began working again. I checked on the case this morning and it was closed. So my guess is they fixed it. I'm glad b/c it is a huge time saver!! Glad I wasn't the only one who saw the issue. Kristin Kristin Rice Stirling Ultracold