Jeremy, what are the chances that option 1 "Custom Field Validation" can cover DATE fields as opposed to text entry fields? Or, would that feature include date fields?
Date validation is a near-universal want that would benefit just about every customer; whereas text validation would only benefit a subset of customers.
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Hi @William English‚ - I like it; tell me more... I hadn't originally thought about including date fields, but that doesn't mean we can't make something happen if we decide to move forward with this idea. 😉
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makes sense, thank you for the additional commentary here!
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Im going to go a little further with my take on ranked choice voting: I'd give them this order of importance:
Good to see someone looking into these QoL issues. :-)
Great feedback @Kevin Quosig‚ - thank you!
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Would the Custom Field Validation include Numbers? We have fields for department number and accounting codes that should be an exact number of digits, and though we specify in the Instructions ("enter the 7-digit department number"), users neglect to follow the instructions. Not a big deal, but would be great to have some add'l front-end validation as described.
+1 to this for us as well, good call-out @Elena Dooley‚‚Ķ
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agree this is a good call out @Elena Dooley‚ - and ideally, yes, it would include numbers as either part of the MVP scope or treated as fast follow-on work.
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So many great things here! I voted but some notes related to our use cases
Thanks for the feedback and additional commentary, @Heather Kulbacki‚!
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All four ideas are great and necessary features for us - would love to see them all on the roadmap.
If I‘d have to choose one it is the custom field validation. Our process owners constantly complain about lack of such a feature...
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Thanks for contributing, @Manuel Bause‚. Happy Holidays!
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All 4 sound like great additions, our preference on order would be;
Require Users to Only Create Projects from a Template
Sequential Project Numbers
Custom Field Validation
a "Jump to Today" option
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Thanks for contributing as well @Vikki Gibbs‚. Happy Holidays!
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Happy holidays to you too @Jeremy Flores‚ 😉
The only one that is a big need for us is the sequential project numbers. The other 3 aren't important to our case use at all (but I see others need it).
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Thanks @Leah Janz‚. Happy Holidays!
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Three of the four are very important to my organization. I voted for the project number being sequential because this has been the single most confusing thing for us since moving to Workfront this past month. We are receive around 500-600 hundred requests each week that all turn into projects and our volume will grow exponentially once we implement our next service lines. For our customers, they need a consistent tracking number from start to finish. So for us, it is more about one consistent number that can follow through from request to project but also increment 1 number at a time. We have already seen our reference numbers grow so big we have to add more characters to our archiving system to be able to handle the reference number.
The custom field validation would help us in date fields and when needing a specific set of numbers to be entered on a form.
The projects from a template feature would be very nice to have but we currently manage with training of our staff. As we on-board more people it gets harder to manage user by user so it would be nice to lock it down.
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Great feedback and context @Kim Donkers‚, thank you‚. 500-600 requests a week is quite a bit, I could see how this could get confusing. Can you tell me more about the "consistent number"? Is it just a number or would you also need to be able to combine this number with other characters or codes (i.e. text or dates)?
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