Im writing a custom report to show the details of custom data on an issue request queue. There is a whole boat load of data in the custom form for the issue request queue. The queue is for requesting a report from an analytics group. The custom data has the display logic that if you select one constituent that you want in the report you get a whole bunch more questions. So in my custom report, i want to display the information that was selected and not display all the fields if they weren't selected. I am using valueexpression in text mode to look if there is an answer or not, and if there is to display that answer.
Example: valueexpression=IF(ISBLANK({DE:Undergrad Alumni}),"",CONCAT("Undergrad Alumni: ",{DE:Undergrad Alumni}))
The issue that I am having though is line breaks. I want to have everything in one column so I an doing a sharecol, but i'd like to add in HTML so I can do a line break and have the content that is returned on different lines if it is present. I know that i can create a column with a line break inbetween, but if no data is returned cause it wasn't selected, then there is just a blank line break. I'd rather there be nothing and when data is returned, have the line break included. I can't seem to include the in the valueexpression though, it just renders it as instead of the line break.
Any thoughts on how i can get this work or other ideas? Hopefully i didn't make it too confusing but if so, let me know and i can provide screenshots and more explanation.