I'm trying to use Fusion to identify when the third approver in an approval process is pending approval and automate some updates/custom notifs when true. Unlike other objects in Workfront, however, I can't navigate to the specific object and grab the ID from the URL, or use a custom view to display IDs.
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Are you only looking at the third approver? Is it always the same person? Are these 1 person per stage or all approvers together in one stage and you're just looking for 3/3 decisions?
You could do a "Read a Record > Proof" and output the "Stages" to identify the stage name / ID along with the decision and act on that.
"Read a Record > Proof Reviewers" where you can choose to include only those who have not made a decision, then action based on that.
In either case, you'd need to have a watch or a search to start and identify the correct proof.
If you did not see, Monique Evans had a great proofing session yesterday for the skill exchange too!
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Unsure what you mean by 'looking at' in this context. Yes, always the same approver.1 person per stage, looking for the ID of stage 3. Only 1 path.
I'm not working with Proofs here (only an Issue approval), but I imagine the answer is the same, reading a record and outputting to gain actions upon.
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Understood - sorry I jumped right into proof approvals!
I could not locate the approval ID in the URL either, but if you do a search module > approval process > and search for the name (just as you have it in WF) you can find it, and it's ID to use moving forward.
From a read record you could then get the "currentApprovalStepID" for an issue that you know is sitting on stage 3, that "currentApprovalStepID" is not tied to the request, but is the actual stage ID in the approval process.
Then you could set that up with an if/then to say if the currentApprovalStepID = xyz, then send reminder (email or update module) to <stage 3 approver>.