Thanks @Hannah Houston‚ , I have been looking at the Hour Types option, but have run into a couple of blockers:
1) Unless I'm missing something, it seems that you can't make these 'Project Specific' Hour Types limited to a specific Group (which we would need to do as it's only our IT staff that need to log time this way and it would be confusing for our other Groups.)
2) I was thinking I could defeat this by filtering Hour Types at the User level, but it looks like it forces you to select at least one project-specific Hour Type to do this (and we only have one.) If I create another one called something like 'Project Hours' it would seem to duplicate the default 'Project Time' item.
We'd just want the new CapEx option to show up in addition to the default "Project Time" option (which is showing up in our system as 'General' scope, even though the article you mention says it should be categorized as 'Project Specific' -- which would solve this problem -- is that possibly a bug? It also says Task Time and Issue Time should be Project Specific but are showing up in our system as General.) From the article:
3) Right now all of our project templates across all our various teams don't have the Filter turned on for Hour Types, so I'm thinking that even if I figure out a solution to the above two items, we'd need to update every Project Template where we don't want the new Hour Type to show up, correct? Would that then automatically update all existing projects which were based on that template, so that the Timesheet view would be correct?
4) I also thought I might be able to leverage Timesheet Profiles, but it looks like you can only configure the General scope Hour Types; the project-specific ones don't appear (again, unless I'm missing something.)
Thanks, just wanted to clarify what I've learned since I posted the original question!