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How do I make the value within the column an active URL to click on?


Level 3
Hello Workfront Community! Within a report is a column that features a URL Value. There are two challenges in a report where 1.) a value (URL text string) is very long and 2.) not active to click on like a URL link. For each record/row It would be nice to reduce real estate by making the text read "CLICK HERE", when the user clicks on this link they will be directed to an external page. How do I make the value within the column an active URL to click on? Thanks for your support!
13 Replies


Level 8
Hi Joe! I have code from one of my columns but it's pretty messy, but works! In this example, my custom field is called DE: Alfresco Edit URL. The line that has what I wanted to replace the text with is: case.0.comparison.truetext=Doc Central Link Basically, to get the code for the replacement text, I went to Advanced Options -> Add Column Rule. For my filter I used Project > Alfresco Edit URL -> Is not Blank. In the Show the field like this options, I checked the Show Text box and put what I wanted in there. I then saved, then went into text mode and added the other code included below. case.0.comparison.icon=false case.0.comparison.leftmethod=DE:Alfresco Edit URL case.0.comparison.lefttext=DE:Alfresco Edit URL case.0.comparison.operator=notblank case.0.comparison.operatortype=string case.0.comparison.righttext= case.0.comparison.truetext=Link description=Doc Central link.isnewwindow=true link.url=customDataLabelsAsString(Alfresco Edit URL) linkedname=direct listsort=customDataLabelsAsString(Alfresco Edit URL) name=Doc Central querysort=URL shortview=false stretch=70 styledef.case.0.comparison.icon=false styledef.case.0.comparison.leftmethod=DE:Alfresco Edit URL styledef.case.0.comparison.lefttext=DE:Alfresco Edit URL styledef.case.0.comparison.operator=notblank styledef.case.0.comparison.operatortype=string styledef.case.0.comparison.righttext= styledef.case.0.comparison.truetext=Doc Central Link textmode=true valuefield=Alfresco Edit URL valueformat=customDataLabelsAsString


Level 3
Hi Adina, Thank you so much for sharing your code, my report now looks beautiful! I was able to modify your code and test my report. The column value went from a 100+ character count to an eleven character hyperlink! The report no longer runs off the template and is easy to view. Thanks again! Best regards, - Joe


Level 10
Hi Adina, I'm testing the method you've provided and it does work on a custom field on a project form but I'm testing the same method against a regular note field eg threadID and it won't make it a clickable link. I'm just wondering why the method couldn't work on a regular field. Similar to Matt May's post, I have a long link that I want to shorten and because it cannot be a custom field (it's actually a url construct using the notes threadID), I'm trying to understand how the other link codes work. What values are allowed in customDataLabelsAsString( Alfresco Edit URL ), is it always a field, can this be an expression or the value itself eg www.google.com?


Level 8
I have not tried linking anything besides the URL field or calculated field that contains a single link. Maybe someone else can chime in?


Level 2
Hi Adina, Did you manage to get this done in a task report. I can have the link clickable but when I try to replace by a custom text it does not work anymore. This is my code for that work to make a url (pulled from project custom form) clickable in a tasks report: displayname=Folder link.isnewwindow=true link.url=customDataLabelsAsString(Edu file folder path) linkedname=direct textmode=true valuefield=DE:project:Edu file folder path valueformat=HTML Yannick WebMD Global


Level 8
I'm having this same problem on a Task Report (which is where I need it) -- Project Report seems fine. I can get the full link to work (pulling from calculated custom field on the project level), but I don't want it to show the very long link. Instead, I want it to hyperlink the replacement text. So basically, in my case, it would say "View Form" be hyperlinked to the form utilizing the link from the calculated custom field. Does anyone have ideas? Am I just missing something? In Reply to Yannick Seifert:
Hi Adina, Did you manage to get this done in a task report. I can have the link clickable but when I try to replace by a custom text it does not work anymore. This is my code for that work to make a url (pulled from project custom form) clickable in a tasks report: displayname=Folder link.isnewwindow=true link.url=customDataLabelsAsString(Edu file folder path) linkedname=direct textmode=true valuefield=DE:project:Edu file folder path valueformat=HTML


Level 8
Finally got it! So the history on this for me... I was trying to get a concatenate hyperlink to shorten URL of the PROJECT’s custom form but on a Task report. The reason for doing this is all our important information for each project exists at the project level, but a number of clicks it takes our users to get there is a huge overall organization complaint. They have a task report on the dashboard they use and have expressed quite vocally that having a quick link to the PROJECT’s custom form would be ideal rather than the several click process it now takes to get there. So what I first implemented was adding a calculated field on the custom form on all the projects which provides a link to the custom form. The field is called “Project Custom Form” and the calculation is as follows: CONCAT("https://streamco.my.workfront.com","/","project/view?ID=",ID,"&activeTab=form-customdata") And this works with this code on a PROJECT level report with this code: case.0.comparison.icon=false case.0.comparison.leftmethod=DE:Project Custom Form case.0.comparison.lefttext=DE:Project Custom Form case.0.comparison.operator=cicontains case.0.comparison.operatortype=string case.0.comparison.righttext=https: case.0.comparison.truetext=View displayname=Custom Form link.isnewwindow=true link.url=customDataLabelsAsString(Project Custom Form) linkedname=direct namekey=Project Custom Form querysort=DE:Project Custom Form styledef.case.0.comparison.icon=false styledef.case.0.comparison.leftmethod=DE:Project Custom Form styledef.case.0.comparison.lefttext=DE:Project Custom Form styledef.case.0.comparison.operator=cicontains styledef.case.0.comparison.operatortype=string styledef.case.0.comparison.righttext=https: styledef.case.0.comparison.truetext=View textmode=true valuefield=Project Custom Form valueformat=customDataLabelsAsString width=150 It will give me a column labeled “Custom Form” with “ View ” links for each project that open the custom form in a new window. That’s all great and working fine - but it’s one level too high. We need it on tasks -- remember. However, I thought this would be helpful for anyone who wanted it on the project level as well. Onto actually solving the problem at hand... On a Task report, I was able to use this code to get the full link, completely hyperlinked to open in a new window, for the PROJECT’s custom form for each Task --- and that works, but it’s the full link which is very long: displayname=Project Custom Form link.isnewwindow=true link.url=customDataLabelsAsString(Project Custom Form) linkedname=direct textmode=true valuefield=DE:project:Project Custom Form valueformat=HTML And now, finally after trail-and-error and a ton of research, I was just able get it to work on Task Level by using this code: case.0.comparison.icon=false case.0.comparison.leftmethod=DE:project:Project Custom Form case.0.comparison.lefttext=DE:project:Project Custom Form case.0.comparison.operator=cicontains case.0.comparison.operatortype=string case.0.comparison.righttext=https: case.0.comparison.truetext=View Project Custom Form displayname=Project Custom Form link.isnewwindow=true link.url=customDataLabelsAsString(project.Project Custom Form) linkedname=direct namekey=Project Custom Form querysort=Project Custom Form styledef.case.0.comparison.icon=false styledef.case.0.comparison.leftmethod=DE:project:Project Custom Form styledef.case.0.comparison.lefttext=DE:project:Project Custom Form styledef.case.0.comparison.operator=cicontains styledef.case.0.comparison.operatortype=string styledef.case.0.comparison.righttext=https: styledef.case.0.comparison.truetext=View Form textmode=true valuefield=project.Project Custom Form valueformat=customDataLabelsAsString width=150 Now I have a column called "Project Custom Form" on the task report and for each task it has a link that says "View Project Custom Form" (I will probably shorten this) that links directly to the PROJECT's custom form in a new window/tab in a single click.


Community Advisor
Attaboy Matt! Congratulations and thanks for sharing. Take the rest of the day off: you deserve it. Regards, Doug


Level 10
Matt, I put this code in a column of a project report - but my column has no data in it. I created the calculated field on one of my custom forms first, then ran the report. The column is blank. Thanks for your help.


Level 8
Benetta, happy to help. Would you mind posting your code for both the calculated field you added and the code you have for column? Thanks! In Reply to Benetta Perry:
Matt, I put this code in a column of a project report - but my column has no data in it. I created the calculated field on one of my custom forms first, then ran the report. The column is blank. Thanks for your help.


Level 10
Matt, I have attached everything. Thank you.


Level 8
Benetta, The initial problem I notice is that you need to update the calculated field with your domain. Right now you still have mine: CONCAT("https:// streamco .my.workfront.com","/","project/view?ID=",ID,"&activeTab=form-customdata") Change the bold part to your Workfront domain. After you make the update, be sure to scroll down and check the "Update Previous Calculations" box . . . then click DONE. And then Save & Close on whole form. Finally, just for good measure, I make the project that I'm testing with recalculate its timeline as well. Take these steps first and see if it works then. In Reply to Benetta Perry:
Matt, I have attached everything. Thank you.


Level 2
Hi, I'm trying to do the same thing, and have spent a few hours trying to achieve what was provided by Matt and Benetta, but I just can't it to work. I will describe what I'm trying to acheive and what I have got in place. I'm creating an issue report. I have a custom field on the Project called "Termsheet Location". In the "Termsheet Location" field on the project I am storing a URL that is a link to a Sharepoint folder. On the issue report I want to have a column called "Termsheet Link" that will have a shorten link to the URL. The clickable value in the column should be called "Link" The conditional logic part is working, and when a URL is populated in the project custom form field (Termsheet Location) the work "Link" is appearing in the Termsheet Link column on the issue report. The only problem is that the "Link" value on the report is not a hyperlink and i can't click it. I will attach the text mode that I'm using, and I believe this is an exact copy of what Matt shared, so i'm not sure why it isn't working. Can anyone advise where I'm going wrong? It's frustrating that I appear to be very close. Is it possible that I have to reference the URL via a calculated field? Thanks Richard Richard Petley Coretexa