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How can i upload a .pdf to a comment on a Task/Card?


Level 2

Hi there!

We are attempting to migrate our team from another provider to Workfront and one key requirement is to upload .pdf files to comments on a task/card on their board. At present, we can only enable image files (i.e. .png/.jpg) but there is a real need for it to be able to upload .pdfs.

I am aware that you can upload documents to a card on a board as well as to the documents section on a task, but this is not a very efficient route, and then it is tricky to reference that specific .pdf in the comment.  They ideally want to stay wholly within the board.

Has anyone got any suggestions ? 

Thanks in advance!


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1 Reply


Community Advisor


I may not understand your query correctly but within Boards you can see documents (see below) that are attached to either an issue or task.  However, you can't really preview them from Boards (or a Card) you have to download then view the file.  There is no embedded viewer to see what's in the file (that might be what you're asking).  I use Boards with my support queue and have folks send in requests with screenshots, charts, etc. all the time and from the card I will download and open file them navigate back to my card to make updates.

