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How can I create a report that shows only first and second level tasks?


Level 1
How can I create a report that shows only first and second level tasks?

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14 Replies


Community Advisor
Hi Dave. I was about to explain how to check Parent.ID and Parent.Parent.ID for ISBLANK, but then realized there's a simpler way. In the Task Filter, choose "Indent", then "Less Than", and (say) "3". When you apply the filter, the Tasks will then be restricted to only those less than that desired level of indentation. Thanks for the learn-something-new-every-day opportunity! Regards, Doug


Level 8
Cool, I learned something new!


Level 1
Thanks, Doug! Interesting thing -- it worked when I set it up, and how it's not. Strange... I'll try again and see what happens. - Dave In Reply to ....Doug.... Den Hoed:
Hi Dave. I was about to explain how to check Parent.ID and Parent.Parent.ID for ISBLANK, but then realized there's a simpler way. In the Task Filter, choose "Indent", then "Less Than", and (say) "3". When you apply the filter, the Tasks will then be restricted to only those less than that desired level of indentation. Thanks for the learn-something-new-every-day opportunity! Regards, Doug


Level 10
Hi Dave, What Doug suggested is the definitely best way to do what you want. A related tip is that there is another field called "Number of Children" which is very useful if you (for example) only want to include tasks with no children, or you only want to include parent tasks. This is a totally different use case to what you are looking for right now, but I have used both for custom formatting etc so thought I would mention it. Regards, David


Level 10
In the report, how do you get them to show the parent/children relationship? I've tried what was referenced above and all the children tasks (in my task report) are listed like the other tasks. Thanks, Susan


Level 10
Hi: If you create a Task report, you can filter tasks so that the INDENT Level is 0 or 1. The indent tells you how deep in the hierarchy the particular task is. [cid:image001.jpg@01D2E4F6.62247590] [cid:image002.jpg@01D2E4F6.62247590] Does that help? Eric


Level 10

Hi, Eric!

Attached is a visual. Basically, I want the visual as it sits in project mode. Does that make sense? I thought a report would be able show indents in report mode.

Thank you,



Level 10
Okay, I’m grasping here… 1) You can create a filter that only shows indent levels 0 and 1; 2) You can create a view that shows the indent level (I have it on the left next to the task number); 3) I struggle to know when WorkFront will show the indent and when it won’t. Sorry, I’m going to have nothing of help there. Are we closer? Eric


Level 10
Argh, incomplete message below. Adding to it. I struggle to know when WorkFront will indent the tasks in the Project Task screen - when they add the spaces you need. I had someone at WorkFront show me how to create a text mode attribute that displays a number of spaces equal to three times the indent level. That way, it would force each task over three spaces for each indent level. I thought it was kludgey, but it does work. Thanks, Eric


Level 10
If it shows the idents that would be nice. This particular instance is trivial but it might be something we need in the future. I also did a Help ticket through Workfront and we'll see what they say. Thank you!


Level 10
Would it help if you just group it by Parent Name ?


Level 10
When I did that it showed parent name and then a number next to it in parenthesis. It didn't even list the subtask.


Level 10

0690z000007ZiVtAAK.pngI have just tried and got task with indent between 0 and 1 in filter. And group it by Parent Name. And it seems to work. Unless that's not exactly what you are looking for.


Level 10
Hi Susan, Try using this as your 'Task Name' column (change it to text mode and replace whatever is there with the below): descriptionkey=name displayname=Task isInlineEditable=false link.linkproperty.0.name=ID link.linkproperty.0.valuefield=ID link.linkproperty.0.valueformat=int link.lookup=link.view link.valuefield=objCode link.valueformat=val linkedname=direct listsort=string(name) namekey=task.name.abbr querysort=name section=0 shortview=false stretch=100 textmode=true valueexpression=IF({indent}<1,{name},IF({indent}<2,CONCAT(" - ",{name}),IF({indent}<3,CONCAT(" - - ",{name}),IF({indent}<4,CONCAT(" - - - ",{name}),CONCAT(" - - - - ",{name}))))) valueformat=HTML width=150