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Hour Type Name


Level 10
I've been running an hour report and have Hour Type Name as one of the columns. It shows well enough on screen but once exported as pdf or xls, that column is empty. I just wonder if everyone else has the same experience and/or if you have a way for that to show on exports.

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2 Replies


Level 7
I just created a new Hour report and added "Hour Type: Name" to it and then exported it and it shows up on all 3 views (HTML, PDF, and EXCEL) See attached.


Level 10
Greg, thanks for uploading your trial. I've compared what you got to mine and realized that yours show Hour Type: Name (your column seemed to have been taken from Hour Type and then Name) whereas I went Hour and Hour Type ID and then went text mode and changed it to hourType . name, instead of hourType : name. When it showed what I needed on screen, I thought I had the right textmode. Lesson learned.