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Hour Report grouped by Project Sponsor chart


Level 10
Hullo, I have an hour report and grouped by project sponsor via text mode. group.0.linkedname=project:sponsor:name group.0.name= group.0.valuefield=project:sponsor:name group.0.valueformat=HTML textmode=true While this is grouped on the details page, I can't seem to make it to a chart. it's just one big blue circle lumped together. Same as summary. Any suggestions? Polly Co

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6 Replies


Level 10
Hi Polly, I suspect that might be one too many hops for the reporting engine. To find out, I suggest you try working your way towards it, like this: "One Hop" from Hour > Project Name: group.0.linkedname=project:name group.0.name= group.0.valuefield=project:name group.0.valueformat=HTML textmode=true "One Hop" from Hour > Project Sponsor ID: group.0.linkedname=project:sponsorID group.0.name= group.0.valuefield=project:sponsorID group.0.valueformat=HTML textmode=true "Two Hops" from Hour > Project Sponsor Name (too far?): group.0.linkedname=project:sponsor:name group.0.name= group.0.valuefield=project:sponsor:name group.0.valueformat=HTML textmode=true Regards, Doug Doug Den Hoed - AtAppStore


Level 10
@Doug Den Hoed - AtAppStore , yeah, I've tried those before I hopped in here. I've used sponsorID and that just doesn't make sense from a regular user's perspective. I just thought that if it can hop enough to be able to group alright on the details page, it should be able to group fine on summary and chart. Any other ideas? Polly Co


Level 10
Hi Polly, In such Too Many Hop cases, I usually cheat by creating a calculated field that pulls what I need "closer". In this case, I'd suggest you create DE:Sponsor Name on the project, set its formula to the Sposor.Name, and then grouping and charting on it. Regards, Doug Doug Den Hoed - AtAppStore


Level 10
@Doug Den Hoed - AtAppStore , I'll have to remember that trick. Luckily, I do have that calculated field already on my projects. Tested, works great! Polly Co


Level 10
Hoppy to help, Polly ;-) Regards, Doug Doug Den Hoed - AtAppStore


Employee Advisor
Polly, Like Doug had mentioned, you will need to use a calculated field to have this chart work as expected. Charts cannot read text mode, so if you do manipulate your grouping using text mode, your chart will no longer work, hence why a calculated field does the trick! Nichole Vargas Workfront