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Home only showing completed tasks


Level 10

Admittedly I don't use Home very often but I looked at it today and the only thing it shows are completed tasks. None of the tasks I have due this week or next week are anywhere to be found. I can't for the life of me figure out what is going wrong. I have 3 tasks that are overdue that aren't anywhere to be found. Any advice on this?


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3 Replies


Level 9

This may be a dumb answer, but sometimes it's the little things...is your filter set to all? Or just completed? If it's set to all I would call support because that's weird!!


Level 9



Level 10
Hi That’s not a dumb answer and I feel like mine is a dumb question! The only thing that is checked is “Tasks” and everything else is unchecked. So it’s showing me only completed tasks from the last couple of weeks and nothing else. I can’t figure it out. I guess I have to call..