Expandir minha barra de realizações na Comunidade.

Hi all, i've been asked by one of our Project Managers if Workfront can produce a timeline in a 'vertical' format, and TBH, i'm struggling - see attached... any feedback welcome!


Level 2

it's a fairly simple timeline, with dates running down the page and the channels (or individual projects within a campaign) runnin across right to left, she particularly likes this view as she can easily get a view of what's happening on a given day across multiple channels (projects)

Any feedback would be appreciated! Thanks 😁

@Casey Machen‚ @Stephanie Grant‚ @Kelly Barnaby‚


Os tópicos ajudam a categorizar o conteúdo da comunidade e aumentam sua capacidade de descobrir conteúdo relevante.

4 Respostas


Community Advisor

Hi Mike,

if your PM rotates her thinking a quarter turn, she might like our Hot Sheet solution (there’s a video).

Alternatively, you might also get Close Enough if you create a Task level Matrix Report of Planned Completion Dates grouped horizontally by day, and vertically by Task Name (or Milestone Name, if you use them).



Hey Doug - thanks, i've been looking at your catalogue of reports with interest on your site, and yes agree we're not far off with your Hot Sheet, i may reach out, but for now i'm sat here deep into Matrix Reports, so will continue noodling for the time being, i'm getting there slowly, just not yet found how to display 'text' in the cells rather than a count/sum....


Community Advisor
My pleasure Mike, To put a total in the cells of a matrix, I would add the column of interest (eg Planned Hours) to the view, then set its column to Sum, Similarly, I think Max on Planned Completion Date for dates would work, so depending where the Text you are after is, perhaps Max would work on it, too; not sure, but good luck! Regards, Doug

aha, that link you provided to Matrix reports is a more recent one, that helps, thanks!