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Help With Collections


Level 8
Hi Community, My manager came back from Leap with a lot of information - she tasked me with some post leap to-do's based on her takeaways and what she thought could be useful to our organization and how we use WF. One of my to-do's is to learn about collections (advanced reporting / text mode) that could, from what I understand (which is very little without the whole context) allow us to report on PROJECT AND TASK data within a single report. I can't find anything on the help site about this, but I'm hoping there's a reporting wizard out there that can shine a light on how I can use collections. -How Can We Use Collections - Notes / Scenario: -We have a dashboard that has 4 project reports and 1 task report. -We have to pull 1 task report because we have set up some of our email projects as a master project - where we have multiple send dates in a single project , versus 1 project for every send date. -We've created sets of parents tasks for each individual send date , and the tasks underneath each parent represent the work required to deploy that single email. -We have to set the planned completion date of the whole project as the last send date of the whole series , otherwise, we can't build out the whole schedule correctly. -Now, if we pull a project report, it doesn't give us the individual send dates, just the planned completion date of the whole project. (we report on variance, and this kind of makes for wonky data) -What we're currently doing is pulling a task report with a column for: "default baseline > planned completion date" - for tasks that contain the word "Send Date" then we are comparing this baseline to the task "planned completion date" -Is there a way to use collections so we can still pull a project report, but somehow combine task and project dates into it? This way all of our reports are structured the same way and we don't have to use default baseline task dates? I hope I haven't lost everyone out there in the community! I'm happy to explain this visually if needed! -Sydney

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23 Replies


Level 10
Thank you Adina. That’s what I needed in the valuefield.


Level 7
Has anyone tried using this syntax, but with Issues and using custom fields in the valueexpression? In our instance, we use Issues with different meanings for the OOTB data in the Type field, so we made a custom field with other information (which is what we want to report on). Once I can get the data to pull in, I want to count and sum based on the specific values in the field (6 with Action Item, 2 with Roadmap, etc.). I seem to be pulling blank fields when using this syntax below. Does anyone have any thoughts as to why this keeps pulling incorrectly? My Setup: displayname=Count of Open Issues listdelimiter= listmethod=nested(resolvables).lists textmode=true type=iterate valueexpression=IF({DE:Type}="Action Item",1,0) valueformat=HTML Brandon Walshin Apptio, Inc.


Level 3
Same here - I have numerous date fields on an Issue form that I would like to see in the same format as the Tasks/Planned Completion date example above. ie-Field Names in a column, Date in the field in another column. Newbie with collections! Ondina Sturges Everyday Health Inc