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Help with Chart Groupings


Level 8
Hi, Is there a way to edit the columns I have on the X axis so they are condensed? I'm looking to show # projects by product, but rather than have every month listed out, can I do it in two columns so that I have Jan - August together and then September seperate? I've attached a screenshot for reference and thank you in advance for your replies!

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6 Replies


Level 7
Is this a "Project" report? What does the month represent - the start date of the project, if the project was active that month, etc.?


Level 8
It is the start date of the project. There are no filters on the project status.


Level 7
You could add a custom Calculated Field to your projects to calculate if the start date is before September or not (if before September, "Previous Months", else "This month"). Then you could run the report/chart against the new calculated field instead of the actual start date. I think you'd have to bulk edit all the projects to update this field before running the report though. This would work, but probably not very eloquent. Hopefully someone can respond with something that might work better.


Level 7
Actually, thinking about this, you could probably use similar logic, but right in the report under Grouping, using text mode. I just don't know text mode well enough to know what that would look like. Doing this you wouldn't need a custom calculated field and wouldn't need to bulk edit them as it would do it on the fly.


Level 8
text mode would be great if anyone knows how to capture this correctly. I took advanced reporting 1-3, but I can't seem to find exactly what I need in this scenerio. (text mode isn't my favorite!) Thank you for your feedback Greg!


Level 10
Hi Sydney. Workfront's charts require data to be persisted to the database, in either a core field (e.g. Planned Start Date) or a custom parameter (e.g. Charting Planned Start Date). So -- although I like both of Greg's ideas for the reasons he's stated -- only the former will be chart-able, so I recommend you go with that approach. Regards, Doug