Help !
I have a custom field on a form with logic and I am trying to have it carry over to a single column in report.
IE: Tactic Type (options are direct mail, social media etc) ----if type "direct mail" is chosen I have a descriptive field that will populate with I want to show the different descriptive texts in 1 column but I had to create them as sep fields "Metrics for Direct Mail" if chosen Metrics for Direct Mail (descriptive text = Mailers sent. returned mail...) show up ..."Metrics for Social Media" (descriptive text = impressions, reach etc)
how can I merge those into one column? I was hoping for the form to carry over to dash report and be filled out there but not this's the only logic in this there a different way?
I feel like I have done this before ...and have created comparison fields but I copied those from LEAP etc
see screenshot - I feel like I am making this more difficult than it is....