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Help! Assignments on a project report


Level 4
Hello! I am stumped! I'm trying to add a column to a project report to show the staffing assignments on the project. I've tried doing a task report and an assignment report, but it isn't meeting the other needs that we have. The intent of this report is to list all projects today through end of 1/19 so that the Owner can adjust the Priority directly from this report. Can anyone help with creating a column that would show the assignments to the project? Here's the criteria: Must be project level report so that users can edit Project Priority field Must show assignments without needing to create additional custom form field that user would have to fill out In an ideal world, projects with no assignments would have that cell highlighted in blue Thank you in advance! Lila Whitney Discover Financial Services

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11 Replies


Level 10
Hi Lila, In a project report, you'll want to use an ""https://workfrontpro.com/textmode/text-mode-views-collections/#tasks-and-assigned-to">Assigned Tasks " collection in the view. In this example, we are only including tasks where the assigned to ID is not blank. You won't be able to conditionally highlight based on the results in the collection. However, a second "exception" report filtering on all tasks where the assigned to ID is blank would get you this. --Narayan


Level 4

Thank you! I tried the Tasks & Assignments view but nothing appeared when I ran the report. I also tried the Project Users view, which is close, but it's showing both the "LIST_DELIMITER" and all names associated with the project. Can you help troubleshoot? Is there something I need to do differently for the Tasks & Assignments view. Some tasks may have been left unassigned, so I wonder if that is why these are blank? Tasks & Assignments: valueexpression=IF(ISBLANK({assignedToID}),"",CONCAT({name}," - ",{assignedTo}.{name})) listdelimiter=LIST_DELIMITER listmethod=nested(tasks).lists valueformat=HTML displayname=Tasks & Assignments textmode=true type=iterate Project Users: displayname=Project Users listdelimiter=LIST_DELIMITER listmethod=nested(projectUsers).lists textmode=true type=iterate valuefield=user:name valueformat=HTML Lila Whitney | Discover Brand Creative Group 2500 Lake Cook Road, Riverwoods, IL 60015 P: 224.405.5857 E: lila whitney@discover.com0690z000007Zi9TAAS.png


Level 10
Sorry, I forgot to mention that you should use
as your list delimiter. Narayan Raum Workfront Delivery Lead - SunTrust Bank https:// wf-pro .com for Text Mode & More


Level 4
thank you!! This is hugely helpful! Lila Whitney Discover Financial Services


Level 2
Sorry - but not sure how to use
as your list delimiter. Could you post the entire text-mode for the Tasks & Assignments? Many thanks! -Mike Michael Gerrol Dell-RSA Security - IT


Level 2
I figured out the
issue! Thanks!! So one more question - it nicely lists the Tasks and the Task Owners - is there any way to list all of the others who are assigned to the task; not just the Task Owner? Thanks again! -Mike Michael Gerrol Dell-RSA Security - IT


Level 2
Wouldn't that mean a double 'iterate' in the text-mode which I"m guessing is not allowed? -Mike Michael Gerrol Dell-RSA Security - IT


Community Advisor
Hi Michael, If I'm following, a Project > Task > Assignments iteration would be a double iteration -- one hop too far, to my knowledge. Although you could iterate through them on a Task report (single hop), you'd lose the ability to edit the Project level information. Regards, Doug Doug Den Hoed - AtAppStore Got Skills? Lend a hand! https://community.workfront.com/participate/unanswered-threads


Level 2
Hi Doug, Appreciate your quick response! And I do understand how that can work in a task report. Unfortunately this is needed in a Project report (one row per project) - and I guess it can't be done. Thanks again!! -Mike Michael Gerrol Dell-RSA Security - IT


Former Community Member
One of the tricks is to use the ProjectUsers collection. This is all users assigned to anything on the project. I use two different column types here: Project Team - List all project users with their role: displayname=Project Team listdelimiter=< d i v > listmethod=nested(projectUsers).lists textmode=true type=iterate valueexpression=CONCAT({user}.{name}," - ",{user}.{role}.{name}) valueformat=HTML Specific Roles Column, replace Art Director with your role: displayname=Art Director listdelimiter= & z w j ; listmethod=nested(projectUsers).lists textmode=true type=iterate valueexpression=IF(CONTAINS("Art Director",{user}.{role}.{name}),{user}.{name}) valueformat=HTML Remove spaces from < d i v > or & z w j ; to use the d i v is basically a line break that collapses multiple in a row to one. The z w j is a zero width joiner field and is basically nothing between. I use z w j if I only expect a single line and div if I expect multiple values. Melinda Layten Technical Project Manager - API and Integration Workfront


Level 2

Can somebody help me, I am trying to just pull all names that are assigned across all tasks within a project (but not duplicate them) and format it to look like this too in HTML

* Name 1, Role Title (div)
* Name 2, Role Title (div)
* Name 3, Role Title (div)

description=Assigned Resources Names TXT
displayname=Assigned Resources Names TXT
valueexpression=CONCAT("* ",{user}.{name})