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Hello! (me again üòÅ ) 2 more questions. First one ..



Hello! (me again 😁 ) 2 more questions. First one below. Second one coming in a separate post.

How does a story get added to an individual PODs backlog? For example ... does the below sound accurate?

1. Content manager submits a request that is converted to a project. That project will have tasks (stories) that will be assigned to specific teams (pods). These tasks will appear on backlog of each team.

2. Product owner adds a story directly to their pod's backlog.


Topics help categorize Community content and increase your ability to discover relevant content.

1 Reply


Former Community Member

Yes these are both correct! However, I want to add that you can also use your teams Agile ceremonies to submit stories into the teams backlog as well. For instance - Getting the team together using the Workfront to help create a virtual (or in person) standup and help increase collaboration and visibility. We are always thinking of new ways to use Workfront to support Agile ceremonies - Anyone currently running ceremonies using Workfront?