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Has Requests/Project view changed in Experience?


Level 3

Previously, when project owners went to their dashboard in Experience and clicked on Requests I've submitted, they were able to see all activity if it had been converted to a project. Now they only see the info included with the original request but no updates, drafts, proofs etc. I now have to re-train them to go to Projects on their menu to see the requests after conversion to projects - their is no inheriting back & forth. So if they send me an update from the Requests I've Submitted, I can't click in their to get to the active project. Is this a change across the board?


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5 Respostas



@Anna Asatryan‚ i know you've been working directly with the requests lists, I thought you might have insight or want to share something with Susan here.



Thank you for including me Kyna.

@Susan Bose‚ with the 21.1 release we changed the experience of viewing the list of submitted requests to be more consistent with the rest of the application and in the meantime to provide the ability to search for the requests easier. As a result of the change some of the functionality was deprecated and seeing the comments inline on the list was removed. Instead, with the 21.2 release we plan to introduce the summary panel to the list which will give quick access to the request details. It will be available in preview sometime next week.

Feel free to test the new functionality and provide your feedback.


Community Advisor

To create even more consistency across the application, it would be great if we could create our own Views for the Requests Submitted page.

Previously, if a request had been converted to a project, the project name showed first and a bit larger and people would naturally select the project to submit any updates.

Now if the request has been converted to a project, the project shows in the 2nd column. Yes, that column is labeled "Converted to" but most people seem to click the first column and either ignore that second column or don't realize what it means.

Being able to move the columns or rename the columns to suit our use case could be extremely helpful.


Level 3

I agree with Heather - that would be value-added. I do have information being lost because the project owners add it to updates in the request. It is hard to re-train now.



Thank you for the feedback! We will be gradually adding the functionality to bring more consistency with other lists in the application. I can't give exact timelines just yet but we will be working on it in the future.

As for the communication on the request/project, @Susan Bose‚ would you have time to jump on a call so that we can discuss some more details on how the communication between the requester and team working on the request takes place?

Thank you in advance.