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Has anyone tried to use the "staffing" option to assign tasks to users in new Experience? I am having trouble finding articles on it and have found them for Classic but not new Experience. Thanks!\nMary


Level 4

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2 Replies


Level 10

Hi Mary - right now, they are pretty much the same. That is because the Product team is working on the new Workload Balancer that will eventually replace it. Have you checked it out in the Resourcing area? I've shown it to several teams and they really like it! It is only in Beta so some functionality (like drag 'n drop) is not there yet, but it is nice. :)


Level 4

Hi Anthony,

I have not checked it out in the resource area. So in classic in your project tasks, you used to click the staffing tab and then click "More" and in the scheduling tab click "Add Users," but after looking into it, it's the "Scheduling" option which looks like it's the formerly named "Staffing" tab. I think that is what I was looking for. Thanks,
