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Has anyone had issues with tasks starting before tasks that they are dependent on in their predecessors?


Level 3

I'm struggling with a template because I need to have some way to fix the dates of tasks 12 & 13, these tasks happen regardless of the timeline on a specific day of the week and the rest of the template needs to move around these dates. What makes this even more difficult is that tasks 20 and 26 are the final tasks based on a go-live date, these tasks need to be able to be set to a specific date and have the rest of the tasks calculated backward for timing aside from tasks 12 and 13 which will be set to a specific date. Then tasks 20 and 26 also need to be at least 3 weeks from task 13.


I've tried building out all this timing and feel like every time I get close the timing gets messed up somehow and right now the issue is that the start dates are before the start dates of the preceding tasks as that should be impossible. So now I'm pulling my hair out a bit. I would love any feedback or input anyone may have if they've dealt with anything similar in Workfront!



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2 Replies


Community Advisor

@MatthewLi1 - I believe the issue is tied to your "fixed dates" task constraint. According to Workfront documentation. 

  • When you select the Fixed Dates (FIXT) task constraint, you must specify the Planned Start Date and Planned Completion Date of the task. In this case, the predecessor relationship of the task is ignored.


You might be able to try an additional predecessor on tasks 14 and 15 tying them also to task 8 (as task 12 is) - this would potentially help get your durations in line. You might have to do 8+2d to take into account the fixed date task durations.


Level 3

Have you tried using the Day of Week predecessor relationship for tasks 12 and 13? 

