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Fusion Table Oddity


Level 6
Found something odd in Fusion when working with Tables. Today I uploaded a CSV file to a fusion table. The upload returned that it uploaded the correct number of rows; however, when I looked at the data in fusion, the table rows appeared to repeat after a certain number of rows. Frustrated, I tried the upload again, removing such things as slashes and other special characters. Same thing happened. "Strange", I thought. Let's try to download and compare files and see where the problem in the data lies. Upon download, I saw the data was actually CORRECT, but the display of the table is wrong. Verified through multiple reads of the table in FLOs. Moral of the story: Dont trust your eyes, I guess. Marty Gawry - CapabilitySource

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1 Reply


Level 10
Hi Marty, It's definitely not working as expected, you should still be able to see the accurate data without downloading. Would be great if you could submit a support ticket with some details so we can ensure it is fixed in the future. Thanks, Anna ANNA GRIGORYAN Group Product Manager Workfront