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formula with typeahead field


Level 5
Because the typeahead field didn't exist when we went live, we used Primary Contact as our Backup Requestor field (the way we're organized the person who submits the request, may or may not be on the project alone as a proof approver or contact. So, in our previous system we had a Backup Requestor field that covered that need). Users have found the label "Primary Contact" confusing, understandably, but it was all I had to work with at the time. Now that we have the user typeahead field, I want to use that. But, we will have projects going through for a while where I need Primary Contact ID if it isn't the same as the request submitted by ID So, basically what I want is if({Primary Contact ID} ={Entered By ID}, {Backup Requestor:Name}, {Primary Contact ID:Name} ) Any idea how to write that as calculated field on the Request form? Kristine Ross Empower-Retirement
1 Reply


Level 4
Hi Kristine, I see the trouble you are running into. It looks like you cannot use a typeahead field in a calculated custom data expression. I did see that it looks like you can display a typeahead field on a report so you could see if a calculated column might work on a report. Daniel Cooley Rego Consulting