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Filter by File Type


Level 10
Hi I am putting together a Document Report to show all the videos that have been completed in the last month. I am getting the report I need except that I want to filter by "type" in order to eliminate the PDF and Word documents that are also in these Issues, so that I only show files of "type" ".mp4 File" or "MOV Movie" "File Type" is a column in the report but I cannot figure out where it comes from -- it's not a field I can find to filter on. The text for the column looks like this: listsort=nested(currentVersion).val(ext) namekey=filetype.abbr querysort=currentVersion:ext valuefield=currentVersion:documentTypeLabel valueformat=HTML width=50 I've tried to filter on every field I can find that has the word "type" in it but nothing is working. Any idea how to accommplish this? Thanks! Jill Ackerman
2 Replies


Level 10
Hi Jill, When you upload a document, Workfront creates both a Document and a Current Version (starting at "1"), with the latter then keeping track of the various versions as you (optionally) drag and drop new files "on top" of previous files, automatically incrementing the version along the way (e.g. 2, 3, 4...). Since (technically) each new version could be a different file type, the extension of that particular file is stored in the Current Version table (the "querysort= currentVersion:ext" in your previous post). So! To filter (or group) by the extension, you can use the Current Version > Ext. to restrict (or group) to what you need. Regards, Doug Doug Den Hoed - AtAppStore


Level 10
That worked perfectly, and there is no way I would have figured that out myself. Thanks!