Hi Kiersten, Well that is an intriguing challenge that I suspect most SysAdmins will eventually run into, so I decided to write up this save-until-needed response. I invite you to run our "https://store.atappstore.com/product/generate-excel-updater-template/" Excel Updater Generator against your custom form (with the "separate sections" option checked) to create a text file for each separate section in your custom form. For each, copy the contents (searching for then starting with the first custom parameter column, then highlight to the end) into a report of whatever object type (Project, Task, Issue, etc), in the report's view, making the first column "ID", the second "Name", then switching the third column to text mode, then pasting the text mode you'd copied to (amazingly!) add a column for every parameter in that section to the report. Repeating that technique, with one report for every such section in hand, you can then simply run each report with no filter to (easily!) export all of your data to Excel, then count / sort / filter / conditional format as needed and identify no or low use "cull the column" candidates. With those candidates identified, you can then (confidently!) remove any parameters with no data, and or (carefully!) create a new custom form called "Archived Data", add the low use candidates parameters to it (repeating formulas for calculated parameters if need be), attaching (imperatively!) that form to all (or at least those with data in the low use candidates) objects via bulk update. Double check that the data then exists on both forms, and then (only!) remove the low use candidates from your original form, thereby freeing up the space you need. Alternatively, our Update Category Generator, Update Category, and/or Workfront Snapshot solutions might also be of use. And finally, hopefully before Vic points it out... You could just add the new parameters you need to a new form (boringly!) Good luck, and I look forward to hearing what you decide and how it goes. Regards, Doug Doug Den Hoed - AtAppStore