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Export fields on a Custom Form


Former Community Member
There has to be a way to pull a report that lists all of the fields on a Custom Form? If I click on "Custom Forms", than "Custom Fields" and filter...I don't see anything in here that would be able filter just the fields on a certain form? Brett Robison Cengage
1 Accepted Solution


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Level 7
Hey Monique! It's been a while since I've been asked this one. I just hopped into a category report and added a collections column to show the fields. Here's the text mode I used for this: displayname=Fields listdelimiter= listmethod=nested(categoryParameters).lists textmode=true type=iterate valuefield=parameter:name valueformat=HTML Good luck! Dustin Martin Assigned Support Engineer Workfront

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13 Replies


Level 10
I don't see a way either. When I need to do that I either just open the form and obviously the fields are all there. Or if I go to the Custom Fields tab like in your example, I just do a Ctl+f browser search for the form. But I agree with you I don't find a field in that Filter selection to filter on the form (or many other fields for that matter). Vic Alejandro, PMP, CSM | IT | Sr. IT Project Manager Denver Water | t: (303-628-7262) | c: (303-319-6473) "http://www.denverwater.org/"> http://www.denverwater.org INTEGRITY | VISION | PASSION | EXCELLENCE | RESPECT


Level 8
I always enjoy a Friday challenge =). 1. Create a Parameter report 2. Under Report Settings -> Report Prompts, choose 'Parameter > Name' 3. Create a new column with the following text displayname=Form Options listdelimiter= listmethod=nested(parameterOptions).lists textmode=true type=iterate valuefield=value valueformat=HTML Try it out and let me know if it works for you. Adina Pierce Cisco


Level 7
You folks are all awesome! The responses here have been great. You could also do a parameter report and just filter off the category. The Workfront database has a lot of callbacks to the old AtTask structure, stuff that was here waaaaaay before I was hired. For instance, "Category" refers to Custom Forms Parameter refers to custom fields Parameter options refers to the values of custom fields. You can check out more at our API explorer, and it'll also give you a good understanding of how the tables in the database communicate with each other:


Level 10
We were fortunate enough to have a contractor on staff that was a whiz with Excel Macros. I was able to work with her using an API export of the custom form data to generate a comprehensive document of all of our custom fields, the forms they are used on, custom calculations, and individual tabs depicting each form laid out with the fields. I don't know what I'll day when the day comes and the API export is changed and the macro quits working! I really wish workfront would provide a report similar to this for system admins, especially since new features like logic and permissions on sections have been added. The report we have now is really on only way we have to see when things changed in calculations, layouts, etc. Admin Kelly-Wehrmann SSFCU


Level 3
Thanks for sharing this Adina. Do you know how or if it's possible to pull the calculation for those types of fields? This would be ideal for those occasions where a field name change or replacement is needed. Ondina Sturges Everyday Health Inc


Level 3
Hi Adina, How would I add a column for Section Jim Grey Lincoln National Corporation


Level 8
There is a report type called "Parameter Group" which is a list of Sections.


Level 3
Thanks, I was trying to get the report to show what group(s) a field appears in. The report shows what custom form(s) the field is on, but not the section(group). Thanks again for your help. Jim Grey Lincoln National Corporation


Level 9
I know you can choose to see what forms a field is listed on - but can you do to see what field a report is living on? It doesn't seem to give thtat option in a 'report' for reports. We're swapping out an old field for a replacement so I need to identify if it's on any reports.


Level 6
Hi Christina, you can try adding the following to a Reports report. Once these columns are created, you can use the Ctrl + F function on your browser to look for a specific field on the report. Column 1: "View: Definition" This column essentially displays the text mode code contents for every column in the corresponding report's view. displayname= linkedname=view namekey=view.relatedcolumn namekeyargkey.0=view namekeyargkey.1=definition querysort=view:definition textmode=true valuefield=view:definition valueformat=HTML width=300 Column 2: "Grouping: definition" This column displays the text mode code for the grouping on the corresponding report. displayname= linkedname=groupBy namekey=view.relatedcolumn namekeyargkey.0=groupBy namekeyargkey.1=definition querysort=groupBy:definition textmode=true valuefield=groupBy:definition valueformat=HTML width=300 Column 3: "Filter:definition" This column displays the text mode code for the filter on the corresponding report. displayname= linkedname=Filter namekey=view.relatedcolumn namekeyargkey.0=filter namekeyargkey.1=definition querysort=filter:definition textmode=true valuefield=filter:definition valueformat=HTML width=300 Justin Renteria SSFCU


Community Advisor
Dustin I was actually trying to do just this and category is not an option under the Parameter Report Filters. Is there a text mode filter we could do to jump to category ID? Ideally i would set this as a prompt so we could use 1 report for any form(s) Monique Evans Stanley Black & Decker, Inc.


Correct answer by
Level 7
Hey Monique! It's been a while since I've been asked this one. I just hopped into a category report and added a collections column to show the fields. Here's the text mode I used for this: displayname=Fields listdelimiter= listmethod=nested(categoryParameters).lists textmode=true type=iterate valuefield=parameter:name valueformat=HTML Good luck! Dustin Martin Assigned Support Engineer Workfront


Community Advisor
Thank you so much Dustin!! I never even considered, instead of trying to make a Parameter Report that filtered by Category, I should make a Category report that pulls in Parameter info. Monique Evans Stanley Black & Decker, Inc.