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Exclusive Opportunity: Test AI Tools to Enhance your Work Efficiency



Hey Community! 
Excited to offer an opportunity for a select few of you our valued customers. We're looking for three to four volunteers to test out our new AI tools. This is a unique chance to leverage AI to manage your work more efficiently.

Interested in:

•Understanding the scenarios where you'd use these AI tools (What/When/Why)
•Receiving feedback on the user experience (UX)

Your insights will be valuable in helping us refine our AI tools to better suit your needs.

If you're interested, please respond to this post.


Thanks for your time and consideration. 

29 Replies


Level 1

If you are still in need of someone to test out AI Assist please add me to the list


Jodie Ballard



Level 1

Hi @jerflo just found this post, pretty late in the game, but you know we're always looking to test new features.


Level 1



I'm just stumbling upon this opportunity. I would absolutely love to be considered for testing! Please let me know if there is a way to get involved. 

Thank you,




Level 1

We're interested in testing!


Level 1



Please reach out to me Would love to see what we have in store.


Level 6
Level 6

@jerflo @PatrickMu1 apologies for tagging you here, but not sure where else to put it. Yesterday, I received an email from you @PatrickMu1 titled "Help Improve Workfront AI Capabilities" with a link to a Qualtrics survey. Is this legitimate? I ask as I am fairly certain we did not sign up for the AI Assistant Beta, or at least I've never received any communication about it short of seeing the AI Assistant in our Production environment accidentally that one day. Thanks for your help! 



hi @-JC yes it is legitimate.  


Level 1

Hi Jeremy, we're currently looking at ways to simplify the UX for our marketers, we've considered 3d party DAP solutions, however if an Workfront Ai solution is being looked at we'd be keen to collaborate - our fusion scenarios are pretty complex and enablement of marketers (especially newbies) is a slow process.... given we're a financial institution lots if our workflows have been developed to reduce/mitigate risk, so simplification through considered application of Ai would be a huge help.... excited to learn more   thanks, Mike 


Level 1

Hi - We are very interested in understanding how we can use this tool for clinical trial activation - if you can send me an email at nkjtsp@gmail.com that would be great.


Best wishes! NLP