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Email notification differences between entering a Request vs. and Issue


Level 7
It used to be that if a User entered a Request (from the top navigation bar) vs. entering an Issue through the Issue tab of the project, that email notifications were different. For instance, I believe if entering a Request, you received notifications (emails) of a) a confirmation, b) when someone was assigned to the request, and c) if the status changed to a non-complete status, but if you entered an Issue through the project, you did not receive these emails. I tried running some tests to see exactly what the differences were, and everything I tried generated an email using both ways to enter issues/requests. I'm happy about this - I never liked that they were different - but was wondering if I'm missing something or didn't do the right tests. Does anyone know if some notifications are suppressed if you enter an issue through the issues tab vs. a request?

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