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Duplicating Tasks


Level 1
I am missing the option to duplicate tasks - I checked on a co-worker's computer - and they have it. Where did it go? Susan Kelly CIE Tours
8 Replies


Level 10
Hi Susan, I've noticed it doesn't always show unless you have the right view displayed. Looks like you have a Grouping turned on. I'm betting if you remove the Grouping, it'll reappear for you. It doesn't seem to like Grouping.


Level 2
Susan, I had this same issue and had to reach out to our Work Front Consultant to get an answer. I will semi quote Scott Thompson from Work Front here. You need to sort your tasks by the "#" column. When you are duplicating a task, WF is literally duplicating that line item to the one below it. So, when the task "#" column is out of order, the option to duplicate goes away. Hope that helps! Ian Clem New Benefits


Level 2
I didn't realize you could do that. I've been using WF for 2 years. ALthough, under your more tab I don't see what you see. I see: Approvals, Baseline, Billing Rate, Queue Setup, etc. Would you be able to assist me to figure out if I can do the same as you. I am an admin as well. Peggy Stanton College of IST PeggyStantonCollege of ISTpstanton@ist.psu.edu


Level 7
Vic wins here! No grouping, sorted by Task #, and you can then duplicate tasks. =) Dustin Martin Assigned Support Engineer Workfront


Level 7
Hi Peggy, You likely have been assigned a layout template that hides some of the menu options. Here is a link to our help article that covers layout templates: https://experience.workfront.com/s/article/Creating-and-Managing-Layout-Templates-1976479577 I hope you have a great day! Dustin Martin Assigned Support Engineer Workfront


Level 2
Thanks a lot Dustin!


Level 2
Thanks when I get a few minutes today, I'll check it out.



Hi Susan,


Hope you are now able to create duplicates of the task. Below can be checked for same if this arises

1. Ser the Grouping to default/Nothing 

2. View to standard 

3. Sort the task numbers 


Hopefully it will allow to duplicate tasks