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Does anyone else have significant performance problems within New Workfront Experience?


Level 4


We are situated in Austria (EMEA) and have significant performance issus within the NWE.

Affected are

  • Task lists on project landingpage (we have projects with 100 up to 1000 tasks)
  • Task landingpage (especially when having a lot of updates in there)
  • User detail page (looks also as the update stream causes problems here)

I found the following ticket from 2017 https://one.workfront.com/s/idea/0870z000000PSfCAAW/detail but not a current discussion.




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3 Replies


Level 7

Hey Stephan,

This was brought up in a user group a few weeks ago on transitioning to the new Workfront experience. I believe @Jeremy Flores‚ was looking into this? Hopefully he can provide an update for us.





Hey Stephen,

Thank you for bringing this up! We'll get the right people to take a look and see what they can find.




Hi Stephan,

Thank you for providing this feedback and for the specific affected areas. This is very timely (as @Sarah Nau‚ mentioned above). We are investing heavily and prioritizing both usability and performance enhancements to improve things going forward.

These global and specific improvements won't all happen overnight, but feedback like this helps us know where to focus and prioritize our efforts. I can say that optimizing the task list/detail pages area is already on our backlog.

For now, can you please log a ticket here: https://one.workfront.com/s/support? This way we can have our support team do some testing on our side and make some suggestions. We will use this data to prioritize improvements that will have the biggest positive impact for you, your users, and the community.