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Document Generation


Level 4
Hello! Does anyone export data from Workfront to generate word documents? We have a series of documents that we need to generate, all of the info is housed in Workfront and depending on the project, there could be a series of 15 different large documents that need to be generated. Depending on the project, could be daily, weekly, monthly, etc. Entering the same data over and over, when already in Workfront seems silly... Hoping someone has either figured out a way to integrate with word, maybe via API, via Doc Tagging or something magical.. Simply want to export the data out of Workfront into Word templates where the data maps into said template. Jordan Martinson LeaseTeam, Inc.
2 Replies


Level 2
Jordan, There are a variety of ways you can accomplish this it but much depends on what you're doing with the data in Word and what its being used for. If you're just making the data in a more palatable format for internal use then recording it to excel and then merging it with Word is a possible solution but very limited. If you're applying any type of conditional formatting then you'll want to go the API route. If you're combing Workfront data with data from other applications then you may want to consider a solution like Tableau or PowerBI. If you can give some examples of what resorts or information you're using it for I'm sure folks in the community can help you identify good solutions. All the best, John Albaugh


Level 4
We create documents such as an Implementation Statement of Work that would contain items such as, Customer Name, Contact Info, Planned Hours, Planned Budgets, Resource Assignments and some custom created fields that are specific to our industry and what we've sold to the customers. Project Charters, Status Reports, Internal Communication, etc. The list goes on and on! Jordan Martinson LeaseTeam, Inc.