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Displaying Program name in a project report


Level 2
Hi All, I am trying to report on a list of projects and their associated program names. In the reports builder I can select the program ID but it does not give me an option for name. ( I find that odd). I would also like to group the report by program if possible. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Jeremy Jeremy Busch Refinitiv

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8 Replies


Level 6
Make sure to scroll down because a project level report does have a "Program" drop down where Program name is an option. Otherwise, if you don't see it, go to the program ID field, switch to text mode and put the following text: valuefield=program:name querysort=program:name valueformat=HTML displayname= linkedname=direct namekey=program:name Overall, removed ID, put a colon and name. Tim Brooks Invicro


Level 7
You can. You just need to use the Program --> Name field. You can also group by this as well. Terry Hynd EBSCO Information Services


Level 2
Man I wish it was that easy. Here are my options: I tried using the code that Tim gave me without any luck either. Jeremy Busch Refinitiv


Level 6
What type of report are you pulling? I just tried the code and it worked on my end. Tim Brooks Invicro


Level 2
Apologies! It does work for a project report. I am trying to get it to work for a task report. Sorry about the confusion. Its Friday at 3:00 and Im dreaming of Happy Hour... Jeremy Busch Refinitiv


Level 4
Create a new column and click Text Mode. Delete everything and paste the following code: displayname= linkedname=program namekey=view.relatedcolumn namekeyargkey.0=project namekeyargkey.1=program namekeyargkey.2=name querysort=project:program:name textmode=true valuefield=project:program:name valueformat=HTML If you want a custom column name type it in after 'displayname=' Erich Giltinan Navy Federal Credit Union


Level 7
Looks like you are using a Task Report? If so, add that Project --> Program ID column to your report and then switch to text mode. You will see this: valuefield=project:programID querysort=project:programID valueformat=HTML displayname= linkedname=project namekey=view.relatedcolumn namekeyargkey.0=project namekeyargkey.1=programID Replace everywhere it says ID with :name, so it looks like this (or just copy this text mode): valuefield=project:program:name querysort=project:program:name valueformat=HTML displayname= linkedname=project namekey=view.relatedcolumn namekeyargkey.0=project namekeyargkey.1=program:name You can also Group by: Terry Hynd EBSCO Information Services


Level 2
This worked thank you! I thought I tried that method, but I must not have had it right. Jeremy Busch Refinitiv