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Different Views for Different Projects


Level 1
Hello! Is there a way I can assign a different view to my different projects? I want to track different fields for each of my projects so wanted to have a different view for each. Thank you, -Monica Monica Miyasato, PMP | Project Manager | US e Credit Union 858.795.6160 | MMiyasato@usecu.org | "http://www.usecu.org"> www.usecu.org
9 Replies


Level 10
You can create loads of different views, save them and access it from View dropdown. However, as far as i'm aware, you can't associate different views to projects itself. You need to keep switching the views depends on what you need to see. Dagmara Garwell BAKKAVOR LTD


Level 4
I agree with Dagmara Gawell about the best way to see different views by creating custom views from the project Tasks tab. But one other way to see each project with the specific data without having to remember which filter to use each time would be to create a project report for each project using the Workfront and custom form data that you specifically want to see. Give the report the same name as your project and then it's a matter of copy/past the project name into the search field, filtered for reports, to find the report quickly. Chris Mueller HLUS: Holdings


Level 10
Or don't forget if you have a task type report that you want to see for every project, you can create that generic report (without filtering for each project) in a Dashboard and then attach that dashboard to a tab (via your layout templates) so when you click on that tab in your Project it displays that report for JUST the project you have open. This way you don't have to create a report for every project. That may sound confusing to anyone that's not familiar so let me know if you need more detail. But it's very handy if you want to see a specific report for each project without having to create it for every project (using a filter by project). Like a Weekly Status Report/Dashboard or something


Level 4
Hi Vic, Thanks for the info! I was able to get a custom tab setup at a project level that pulls in a dashboard that I created. As you said, it's only displaying data that's relevant JUST to the project I have open. In my case it's a task report that's searching for specific custom form data. Do you think it's at all possible to create a custom tab/dashboard at a task level that displays data relevant to it's project? I tried to build a task report that accomplishes this- but when it's attached to a task's custom tab it's only looking for data at that level. Is there a way to widen the scope of the custom tab to look one tier higher at the project level? Thanks! Satchell Mische-Richter Quality Bicycle Products


Level 10
Hi Satchell, It depends on what info you're trying to get at. You can definitely do a Project report the same way. But if you're trying to "cross the streams" �� (between project data and task data) then it can get more challenging. What is it you're trying to display?


Level 4
Hey Vic, First off apologies to all above for hijacking this thread. Hopefully this is helpful for other users! I'm trying to display some project level information at a task level (that's nested in said project). I'm not sure if I'm headed in the right direction- if you have a radically different approach let me know! Ultimately I'm trying to make a filter that pulls specific information for a user and displays it at their task level so they don't have to navigate page to page to find the information they need. I know they're able to do this with a project view but I'm trying to reduce clicks for them. Here's a snippet of my project's task list. The highlighted tasks a have task custom form attached that I can filter by. I created a report/dashboard to display on a project's custom tab: ^This is great, but I want to display this information at a task level in a custom tab. But when I apply the same report/dashboard tab within a task- it doesn't show those tasks as it is presumably filtered out due to being "one level lower". I appreciate any help you can give me! Satchell Mische-Richter Quality Bicycle Products


Level 10
Interesting idea, Satchell, As I understand the mechanics, when you build dashboard with a report (e.g. of Tasks) and add that dashboard as a custom tab to an object (e.g. a Project), Workfront automatically applies the ID of the current object (e.g. the Project ID) as a filter on that Object ID (e.g. the Project ID) in report in the dashboard, thereby restricting the results accordingly (e.g. that Project's Tasks). So, when you moved that same Tasks report down to a custom tab under a Task object, it is the current Task ID that Workfront is then applying to the report, so -- at best -- you might see that one single Task in the report, assuming it matches the other filter. Since your screenshot showed that the Task report was empty when viewed in this fashion, I suspect it's because the current Task did not have the custom form that you'd use to restrict the initial set of Tasks. Consequently, I don't think you can get what you're after using the automatic custom tab filtering. However... If you're hell bent for leather (which I admire) on having that report appear on that tab for ease of navigation purposes, I suggest you add a Project "https://support.workfront.com/hc/en-us/articles/216598108-Working-with-Prompts">Prompt to the report, and check off the option to Show Prompt On Dashboards. That will allow users to choose the same Project they are currently working with (relatively easily), and then apply the Prompt to see the relevant data. Unless... The automatic custom tab filtering also still kicks in, in which case, there would still be no rows. So to avoid that, you'd need to put the dashboard on a standalone tab (or a favorite), and remember to open it with CTRL held down to open a new browser tab, then pick the Project, then click Apply. Ehm... Might be simpler to move the Project level custom tab to be the first tab on a Project (using your Layout Template) and train people to simply hold CTRL and click the Task's Project name in the breadcrumb: one CTRL+Click, and (whew) Abracadabra: there's the information you seek. Regards, Doug Doug Den Hoed - AtAppStore Got Skills? Lend a hand! https://community.workfront.com/participate/unanswered-threads


Level 10
Hi Satchell, Yeah I don't think that'll work because remember when you're in an object and using the Dashboard feature, you're inherently filtering by THAT object. So your Project dashboard only sees Tasks/Issues within THAT Project. Likewise, if you attach a Dashboard to a Task, it's only seeing items in THAT Task. Though maybe Doug or someone has some brilliant way to circumvent that to get what you need.


Level 2
It looks like this has been submitted to the idea exchange but it hasn't received many votes. If you are able, log onto the idea exchange and vote. This would be a wonderful enhancement. This is a screen shot of the posted idea. When I searched for Project Filters View, I had to scroll a few pages to find this specific post. Katherine Chatham