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Designer Hot Sheet/Daily Report for Assignments


Level 2
I'm sure I'm not alone here but my designers are having a very hard time navigating Home and feeling confident that they know what they need to get done each day. I heard a few people at LEAP mention that they created a hot sheet/daily report that tells their designers what they need to work on and when so I'm curious if anyone would be willing to share the setup behind those reports so I can mirror for our organization. Thank you! Aya Elsoukkary, Creative Operations Floor & Decor
6 Replies


Level 1
I use this report for my designers. The filters highlighted are the important ones. 1. designer name 2. Live projects 3. Tasks that are "due today and overdue" 4. tasks that are not marked as completed. if you want to do a more general one for all creatives, change it from "task assigned to ID" to "task assigned to role" . Once you have that report done, you can do a Share Report and have it be sent to them automatically every single morning. Good luck. Andrea Hernandez Amadeus NA


Community Advisor
We use a report similar to Andrea's, for the Assigned to ID, we use $$USER.ID, so we don't need to create a separate report for each user. This pulls those tasks assigned to whoever is logged in. for Planned Completion Date, we use Less Than Equal = $$TODAY+7D so they can see anything that is due today, overdue or coming up in the next 7 calendar days. We also include a column within the report for Can Start and under the Advanced Options, create 2 rules -- 1 rule with a green dot if Can Start = True and 1 rule with a red dot if Can Start = False, so they know which tasks have all predecessors complete and are ready to start. We also created a dashboard that this report is on and set that dashboard up in the layout template for our whole production team, designers, copy writers, content authors, etc.


Level 4
I also use this report but I have it set to the person signed in instead of a person's name. Therefor it can be put on a dashboard and whom ever is signed in will only see their tasks. Assignment Users ID Equal to $$USER.ID I also have a report that shows task not completed by User. (just in case they forgot to mark their task off it will show which one's they are. Samantha Senior Specialist, Creative Services 817-424-2186


Level 2
Thank you !! This was super helpful. Aya Elsoukkary, Creative Operations Floor & Decor


Level 5
Heather & Andrea, this is great, thank you. We have something similar just recently enabled but you each had a few tips to add to our. Heather - what do you use for the project managers as they're working on tasks (in our case anyway) as well as overseeing progress of others' tasks on the projects they manage? Especially for dashboards. Tammie Bouchard National Safety Council


Community Advisor
Tammie, We have a Project Manager Dashboard and one of the reports on there is a task report with these filters: Projecct > Owner ID, Equal, $$USER.ID Task > Planned Completion Date, Less Than Equal, $$TODAY+7D Assignment Roles > ID, Is Not Blank (so it doesn't pull in parent tasks) Project > Status, Equal, In Progress (so any projects still in planning or on hold don't pull in) Task > Percent Complete, Less Than, 100 (so it doesn't pull in completed tasks) OR all the above filters with a tweak to the percent complete one, plus: Task > Pending Approval, Equal, True Task > Percent Complete, Equal, 100