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Date variance - Issue to Project


Level 3
Hi everyone, I'm trying to figure out the date variance of a request (Issue), to when it was resolved into a project. My text mode skills are super-basic and this is what I've come up with: aggregator.function=AVG aggregator.namekey=datevariance aggregator.valueexpression=WEEKDAYDIFF({entryDate},{resolveProject:entryDate}) aggregator.valueformat=HTML description=Entry date - Resolve project Entry date displayname=Entry variance namekey=datevariance textmode=true valueexpression=ABS(WEEKDAYDIFF ({entryDate},{resolveProject:entryDate})) valuefield=dateVariance valueformat= Have I missed something? Is this possible? *I've tried to report on Actual Completion Date of the issue, but its not quite the results I'm looking for. Thank you, Ruby Aran Investors Group Financial Services Inc

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3 Replies


Level 10
Hello try this... The code was close.... 1) I removed the ":" in the nodes in the value expression and replaced with "." and also added additional braces. 2) I removed the valuefield parm; your valueexpression replaces this, so you don't need it. 3) I added HTML as the value format. aggregator.function=AVG aggregator.namekey=datevariance aggregator.valueexpression=WEEKDAYDIFF({entryDate},{resolveProject}.{entryDate}) aggregator.valueformat=HTML description=Entry date - Resolve project Entry date displayname=Entry variance namekey=datevariance textmode=true valueexpression=ABS(WEEKDAYDIFF ({entryDate},{resolveProject}.{entryDate})) valueformat=HTML Admin Kelly-Wehrmann SSFCU


Level 3
That worked perfectly, Admin Kelly! Thank you so much! Ruby Aran Investors Group Financial Services Inc


Level 1
I'm implementing this code to show variance between Planned Completion and Actual Completion dates. It's functioning properly but I'd like the numbers to call out +/- values. If my Actual Completion date is late I want it to appear as a positive (+) number. If completion comes in early I'd like to see that as a negative number. Is this possible to write in? Andrew Barbera Creative Resource Manager, Events Commercial Bank 646•231•9912 Andrew.Barbera@capitalone.com