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Level 10
Hoping somebody could answer or point me to the right information. On "https://www.damsuccess.com/hc/en-us/articles/202134055-REST-API">https://www.damsuccess.com/hc/en-us/articles/202134055-REST-API the documentation points to search as below https://apiv2.webdamdb.com/search?sortby=filename&sortdir=desc&limit=20&offset=0&query=dog However, documentation list that the max limit is 100. If I have thousands of assets that fits that criteria, how am I to see all assets with that criteria. Is this by the offset parameter? I just want to make sure that if I can't see all and I just can do batches, that I don't get duplicate information across the batches. So would parameter offset for the next 100 be &offset=101 and guarantee that it does not see the past 100 it already gave me? what is the offset looking at? ID? Polly Co

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