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Custom Prompt


Level 1
I am trying to build a report with a custom prompt that will allow me to only see the update text for 3 specific tasks in 3 separate projects . I have a filter set up to limit the 3 tasks and it seems to be working perfectly. However, when I build the custom prompt, I get an error. note:entryDate=$$TODAYbw&note:entryDate_Mod=between&note:entryDate_Range=$$TODAYew When I run the report with this condition I get an error. Can anyone offer any help? Thank you! Kim Kim Thorp Penn State
2 Replies


Level 8
Do you have this prompt on a note report? I tried it out using this custom prompt code and it worked: entryDate=$$TODAYbw&entryDate_Mod=between&entryDate_Range=$$TODAYew


Level 1
Yes, it is a NOTE report. I remoeved the note: portion of the condition and it worked!! Thank you!! Kim Thorp Penn State