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Custom Forms best practices


Level 9
How do you use Custom Forms within a project workflow? How do you ensure a user knows there's a form attached to a task when it's assigned? -Nate Bagley --- Workfront Community Manager - Work Smart, Work Happy Message me directly at:
16 Replies


Level 7
We use Custom Forms at the Project level. We have one Custom Form that is attached to all of our Project Templates that captures higher level, overarching information needed across all of our Projects, and then we have specific Custom Forms for each Project type. For example, a “Flyer Template” has two Custom Forms - the overarching Custom Form and then the Flyer Custom Form. When a manager adds a Project, they choose the applicable Project Template and then fill in the two Custom Forms. We also use Custom Forms at the Program level. At the present time, we do not use Custom Forms at the Task level.


Level 2
We currently use Custom Forms (CFs) with Projects, Tasks, Issues, and even some Documents. Ideally, CFs could be used with Milestones to trigger event-based review processes. Would be nice to see a Workflow Object that we could associate with one or more CFs. Further, it would be nice to see WF redesign the CF to expand it's use and extend the use of WF. Here are my initial thoughts on ways WF may want to improve the design of CFs: Custom Form Redesign


Level 10
we use a custom form at the project level and project owners are trained to fill this in, and all our task holders are trained to refer to the information at the project level. There's often no other way to proceed with your assigned work without this information, so that works well (they have to be trained in that way). We don't currently use task-level custom forms, but while we were building out that functionality, we used the task description to refer to the custom form. If it had been an issue, I would have set up user views to expose the Details tab first. We're also currently working on API functionality and google extensions to expose the custom form data on a popup.


Level 2
Ultimately, we need WF to build separate Object Models to support Forms, Data Elements, and Activities (events and/or workflow). These can then be "married" to other objects in the system using pre-defined associations (rules connecting nodes that support inheritance and polymorphism). Requires modifications to the underlying architecture


Level 10
We use custom forms at the project level. Currently we have 4 custom forms attached to the project template. Our best practice is not possible and that is to have the custom forms in separate tabs. Second is to be able to create a link in a report to each custom form individually, where as only that custom form is displayed. So, again we only use custom forms at the project level. No real best practice to offer.


Level 10
Ah, Custom Forms. Still one of my favorite features. In fact, at the inaugural Workfront (AtTask) User Conference in 2009, I spoke about them: specifically, how to use custom forms to visualize the quality and state of your business data as it progresses through your business processes. So, for old time sake, I've attached my presentation as a reference here, for those who might be interested in trying something similar. The CGI effects are a bit dated, but the content is still solid. Regards, Doug


Level 2
The use of compute logic to assess state changes and build aggregate views using icons to convey status is clever and still relevant. Great for a large project with many forms. Building and maintaining an expansive set of forms across multiple data objects, let alone calcs across objects to provide programatic rollup would require dedicated resources and expertise beyond current staffing and budget allowances. I can see the benefit and possibilities, but the architectural limitations of custom forms (to say nothing about reporting & analytics) are not something I wish to overcome with sheer manpower and expense. I'm looking for the WF to make the investment in "better roads" so the user base can simply drive on them.


Level 7
ok, I have never been part of a blog of forum so advice/input ("stop doing that's") are totally welcome....building out our "smart forms" was my main role during implementation and it was fun, tedious and overwhelming at times. we are like an in-house ad agency and prob work different than most. customers are built in. we have smart short forms available to them with sso and then they get routed to various intake teams and additional forms are attached---once converted to projects there are templates (schedules) that marry up....and i've been interrupted 5x since I tried writing ---so hello ---ttyl---i did post a question regarding calendar - need one an external vendor can access but that can be viewed by admin and planners - later! I feel most comfortable with the forms so bring on any question with those ! Teg


Level 10
Tegwn, I sent you a custom form question in your other posting. Thank you.


Level 2
Tegwyn, since you offered... I have a need to create a set of pul-down data elements where each one contains a sentence (20-50 chars). The system has a limit of 255 chars because it stores each selection in a single record (not multiple records) and presumably separates them with a pre-defined character. I used this design in the early 1980s when building simple repositories but then moved on when relational databases became more affordable. Given the current constraint, how would you advise me to address this limitation so I can build the pull-down selection in the system ? Looking for options to overcome the system constraint. Thanks Jeffrey


Level 7
Hi Jeffrey, Jumping into this forum while we are still at beginning of implementation phase may have me over my head. That said ….we have at least 25 custom forms and have almost reached limit with custom fields. Is there no way to break the drown down options out with logic? One of our longest dropdown fields provides choices of job type. That field was MUCH longer in old system because they were all combined…but by creating initial radial button breaking out job types to be very specific in how they are going to be used…the dropdown that presents itself, given previous answer, becomes shorter and more manageable with character counts. I might not be understanding the question tho …because I know I have over 250 characters in several drop down fields. Have you tried building it out yet? if your options are only sentences of 20-50 chars you should be fine as the limitation is related to that option and not the combined drop down total char count. I can see where workshops and meeting in person would be so much easier! Let me know how it goes…am I supposed to put this response in the forum ? guess I will idk Tegwyn Stockdale Production Coordinator bluemind II BayCare Health System 2985 Drew St. II Clearwater, FL 33759 p: (727) 519-1221 II f: (727) 519-1222 Tegwyn.Stockdale@baycare.org<


Level 8
We collect custom data on the incoming request/issue (116 fields - 1 form), the project we convert it to (200+ fields - 1 form) and each task that has hours logged on it (about 50 fields). We use templates for the projects, which already have the form attached. For the task forms, we run a daily report to check for any tasks that have hours logged or planned, and make sure they have the form attached.


Level 2
Tegwyn, One scenario that we are struggling with currently, is to capture the corporate objectives (which are sentences not just a word or two) into a pull-down menu option. We have over 40 objectives across a complex supply chain, so that by default puts us over the limit within the first few objectives for a pull-down. That is a non-starter. This is just one example of the challenges that we face with custom forms.


Level 7
And there isn’t any way to differentiate those 40 objectives? Objective type? Objective Purpose? Objective Strategic, customer facing etc…? I’m not familiar with supply chain communication but I chose to breakdown some long lists by using “final deliverable type” and narrowing down from there. Makes for longer form but accurate and easy for customers to ask for correct final format Do radial buttons pose same limitation?


Level 2
Yes, there are classifications of objectives. Challenge with any attempts at building in a classification schema is that it is not hierarchical in nature, so we can't apply a constraint driven selection model. We chose to leave the objectives as a singular list. We may be able to create workarounds, to support the data capture (as you suggest with your questions), but this will only increase the complexity of reporting and views. Separate from this singular mapping of objectives, we are trying to build a multi-level mapping from strategy to execution using a business model ontology (goals > objectives > capabilities (multi-level) > services > processes > projects. Given the system constraints, the best we can tackle is Goals for now. Again, mapping of goals to objectives (1:1 Mapping instead of the desired 1:M Mapping) is still not possible due to the char limit for the data element (255 char record limit).


Level 7

Jeff- I just created a quick test form with one dropdown -(see screen shot) I pasted copy into word and confirmed the characters were 209 no spaces and 250 with it let me use that count and let me save without an error using same count in 4 choices. If I used more than 250 per choice it threw error but I don't think char constraint applies to that field ---just the choices? So if sentences are longer than 250 then yeah I guess you need a workaround but if they aren't it seems like you would be ok?0690z000007ZiUMAA0.png