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Creating a Report that Compares Planned vs. Actual Hours Broken Down by User


Level 8
Hi, I'm having trouble figuring out how to create a report that compares planned vs actual hours broken down by user when there are multiple users assigned to a task. For example: Designer + Editor are assigned to a single task Planned hours on the task are: Designer has 8 hours and Editor has 3 hours I want to see how many hours a designer and editor have logged to the task compared to the planned hours assigned Any help is greatly appreciated! Thank you! Jennifer Tanabe Director, Project Management Vertical Measures
1 Reply


Level 10
Hi Jenn, What you need is an Assignment report. You need to include: Planned Hours for the assignment (this is the amount of planned hours assigned to each person). This is available by default in an assignment report. The 'actualCompletedWork' field from the assignment. This is not available via the normal user interface, so you need to add it via text mode (use the code below) aggregator.displayformat=minutesAsHoursString aggregator.function=SUM aggregator.namekey=actualworkcompleted aggregator.valuefield=actualWorkCompleted aggregator.valueformat=compound namekey=actualworkcompleted querysort=actualWorkCompleted shortview=false stretch=100 textmode=true valuefield=actualWorkCompleted valueformat=compound viewalias=Actual Hours width=100 You can then do what you like with the report...perhaps group it as a matrix report, grouped by task names and assigned-to names for the rows, and the project name for the columns (if you just want a single column). Hope this helps. Regards, David David Cornwell