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Creating a calculated field that displays a text message if a certain data range is met.


Level 4

Hi All,


I need to create a project level calculated field to display a text message, if the data range falls within a certain range ie between 50-100% display text "Yes" if less than 50% display text "No". I also need to apply  an 'IF' filter in the field that makes sure the field is only working on projects with the project statuses of In Progress or Complete.


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3 Replies


Level 4

this is my current basic code that isn't working to display the text field I want: IF({sourceField} >= 50 AND {sourceField} <= 100, "Yes", "No")


Level 4

Here's my updated code that works: 

IF({DE:Source Field} < 50,"Less Than 50%","50% Complete").  Need to figure out had to add the project status as a parameter in this field.


Community Advisor

Hi there, try this (may have to tweak the parenths):

IF({status}="CUR","CPL"),IF({DE:Source Field}<50,"Less Than 50%","50% Complete")
If this helped you, please mark correct to help others : )