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Count of a particular task in project level


Level 1

Hi @NicholeVargas ,


Im looking for textmode code in workfront reporting that pulls the count of a task name contains "Final File" in project level report and also a with two filters

1. System test is not "yes"

2. final file count is >1

Any alternative suggestion would also work

Can someone help me out on this

Im looking for an output that is attached with this




2 Replies


Community Advisor

Workfront reporting isn't really designed for the kind of report you have in your sample screenshot.

I had a similar desire where I needed to display all tasks with the words "rough" and "cut" but NOT the word "client". I needed the task, due date and primary assignee. I solved it with this"


displayname=Rough Cut Due
valueexpression=IF(CONTAINS("rough", LOWER({name})),IF(CONTAINS("review", LOWER({name})),IF(!CONTAINS("client", LOWER({name})),CONCAT({name}," | ",{assignedTo}.{name}," - Due: ",{plannedCompletionDate}),""),""),"")


The display looks like this:

Rough Cut Due code.png

The "styledef" lines are just to colour it blue. The expression checks if {name} contains the substrings "rough" and "review", and does not contain "client". If all these conditions are satisfied, it produces a formatted string that includes {name}, the name of the person assigned to the task, and the planned completion date. If any condition is not met, it returns an empty string.

If you change some of the "contains" strings, you can make it work for you. A simpler expression is the one next to it "Client Drafts Due". If the task name contains "rough cut client review" it displays the task name, assignee and due date.


valueexpression=IF(CONTAINS("rough cut client review", LOWER({name})), CONCAT({name}," | ",{assignedTo}.{name}," - Due: ",{plannedCompletionDate},""))


Task Count is completely separate field that could probably be manipulated a bit as well but I have not seen the need, at least not for me, to use that.

If you prompt chatGPT with "please explain" and paste this code in after that, it will explain each line in much greater detail.

TIP: if this solved your problem, I invite you to consider marking it as a Correct Answer to help others who might also find it of use.
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Employee Advisor

@christeenaJO Because tasks are a collection of projects, you won't be able to get a record count of tasks in your project report column (like the screenshot that you shared). Like @RandyRoberts mentioned, you can use text mode to pull in all of the task names that meet your criteria specified above, but you would then need to manually count to get a number.

If you wanted to get a number easily, I'd recommend starting off with a task report that filters for your specified criteria that is then grouped by project name. You could put this report on a dashboard with other reports so that all information is in a single view.