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Contest time! In the true spirit of 2020, we're going to celebrate Halloween digitally with a spook-tacular thread.



Share your most fa-boo-lous Halloween photo from years' past below and you'll be entered to win $$! It can be a picture of you dressed up as something Workfront related —I know it's been done before—, your best pet costume, or even your cutest kids in their costumes.

If you’ve got it, haunt it! Share your photo by October 7 and you might get the additional honor of being featured in October's newsletter! We will continue collecting entries until November 2nd for an additional prize or two!

Witching you all a Happy Halloween!


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23 Replies


Level 2

How fun! I'll kick it off with a picture of my team celebrating Halloween.

Every year we have a contest among the different teams with a pizza party for the winning team. We won this year - our theme was an interactive circus.

Thanks for posting this @Kyna Baker - inactive‚.




Thank you for kicking it off, Cathleen! I'm SO impressed with your teams' creativity and commitment to a theme!



I've never been one to dress up a pet, but with this dog, I simply CANNOT help myself. I present the rarest animal on earth, the Roxy-corn.



Level 5

My team is missing Halloween in the office, we'd always have a huge kids parade and party. *sigh* we'll have to be content with photos of Halloween past.




So many fun themes to work on - and that pumpkin! Incredible talent. I'm almost always just a traditional eyes, nose and mouth girl myself!


Level 10

That pumpkin rocks…


Level 6

Workfront Lion, Witch and Wardrobe 😉



Haha, how clever! Good to see that little lion is still hanging out with you!


Level 2

I used to make all of my children's Halloween costumes. This is one of my favorites from years ago...we all dressed up and had child and adult treats at our house for the neighborhood. Great memories!




You MADE that Snow White costume?! I mean. Wow. So beautiful!


Level 2

Thank you! Loved sewing costumes for my girls - my son's costumes were a bit more unique! See below:0694X00000ArZv6QAF.jpg


Level 10

My girlfriend and I are semi-regulars at the All Hallows Fantasy Faire in Sonora, CA, appearing as "Mischief & Malice." We also hope to appear at Faerieworlds some day.

Our only other appearance as Mischief & Malice was to dress up for the costume contest and party where I work.

I'm going to miss the crazy work party where of some 200 people in the group we usually get 25% of them to dress up. Being a creative group you can image how cool, elaborate, creative, clever, and just plain silly the costumes get. It is seriously a blast, and other departments drop by for the costume contest just to watch!



OOOH, how fun to be able to use those costumes more than once. Work parties and Halloween are sure going to be missed this year - especially seeing what all the creatives can come up with. One time a coworker of mine made a cloud that did lightning and thunder. SO fun.


Level 10

Just found out a few days ago is we're attempting some kind of Zoom-based Halloween party AND costume contest. The theme is "masks."

This ought to be interesting. 😈


Level 10

After all the effort the first year we did this, and how much fun we had interacting with people at festivals, we decided it made more sense to make a "thing" out of it. It also gave us the time to keep improving the costumes. The photo above is after three years of evolving the costumes; over 90% of it is home-made and sewn and/or purchased but authentic.

We had plans to check-out the Edge of Spring Fantasy Fair (Roseville, CA) to see if that would be a regular venue for us.

Speaking of co-worker costumes: we have a core group that tends to do group costumes. One year they did a roller coaster. Foam core and plotter printouts to make a "car" to wear, fake legs in the seats and wandering around acting like they were cars on a rollercoaster, sound effects and all (ticka-ticka-ticka-ticka-ticka...WHEEEEEEE!). It. Was. HILARIOUS.


Level 6

One of our Service Desk colleagues and her partner


Level 6

Our PMO Support Analyst @Michelle Smith‚ fav picture of her daughter


Level 9

Do I have to pick just one costume? :) Halloween also happens to be my birthday, so it's definitely a favorite holiday of mine. This was right before the release of Rogue One in 2016, and I spent all day threatening my PM team with the light-saber if they didn't get their billing done on time.

This was also the year I discovered that temporary tattoo tech has evolved a bit since I was a child. Got to the end of the day and couldn't get the blasted things OFF!

Definitely going to miss the costume parties this year. 0694X00000ArYeiQAF.jpg


Level 10

Oh I can so relate…I've done a number of costumes requiring makeup. Because of my skin, I have to use Ben Nye cream makeup and any time I do black on my eyes I end-up with "guyliner" for a couple days afterwards. Completely yellow and black face makeup for a "cheetah man" I did one year left me with a really odd skin tone for a couple days.

I've gotten better at getting it all off but‚Ķalways seems to miss a spot. 😋

And don't get me started with how tough it is to completely get nail glue off from prosthetic claws and what it does to your nails if you apply it according to instructions.

I have a great appreciation for the poor actors who have to wear full makeup and prosthetics for weeks and months—really a PITA just for one long day!

The things we do for the perfect costume, eh?


Level 4

I'm a day late, but this is my absolute favorite costume of all time. This was 3 years ago when my son was 9. "Get off my lawn!"
