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Combining Project Information Results from Multiple Project Templates into One Result


Level 7
I need to do some fiscal year reporting and have a reporting dilemma that I am trying to resolve. I need to provide a Project Report listing out all of the tactics that we completed for the fiscal year (Tactics = Emails, Blogs, Videos, Infographics, etc.) with the total number of actual project hours spent on each tactic, sortable by product line and market. Anyway, I can configure 90% of the Project Report OK, but here is where I am having some trouble. We have Templates for each of our Project types (as mentioned, Emails, Blogs, Videos, Infographics, and so on). I am filtering the Project Report for these 'Templates' to get my tactics listing; however, for some of our tactics, we have multiple Templates, and I am trying to get the report to give me combined results for each tactic 'category'. For example, for "Video", we have the following Templates: Video Template Video Update Template Video Template - Localized Long Version Video Template - Localized Short Version All of our Video Projects use one of these 4 Templates. What I want the report to be able to do is combine these 4 into 1, called "Video" and have the report indicate the total number of project hours for tactic category of "Video". Keeping the math simple, say I have the following: Projects using the Video Template = Combined 10 Actual Project Hours Projects using the Video Update Template = Combined 10 Actual Project Hours Projects using the Video Template - Localized Long Version = Combined 10 Actual Project Hours Projects using the Video Template - Localized Short Version = Combined 10 Actual Project Hours Here is what I am hoping the report will be able to indicate/show: Videos = 40 Actual Project Hours (Not all of our Templates are like this. For example, we only have 1 Infographic Template, so I don't need to do any combining for that. But, like Video, I have a number of Templates for some of our other tactics.) I am hoping the above makes sense! Any help from the Reporting gurus would be most appreciated. Thanks, Terry Terry Hynd EBSCO Information Services

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3 Replies


Level 10
What if you update the custom forms on the templates (for future projects) and current projects to include a custom form field of "Project Type". You may even want to have task-level custom fields to suggest "Tactic Type". You can bulk edit your existing records to accurately "associate" hours with these fields. Then you'll be able to use the "Hour -> Project Type" or "Hour -> Task -> Tactic Type" in reports.


Level 8
And if you don't want to manually populate it, it sounds like it could be a calculated field. Barry Buchanan Work Management Australia


Level 7
Thanks to you both for your suggestions. Definitely food for thought. Right now, in order to get the report done, I have to do a combination of Workfront report and then inputting data into Excel to get what I need. For the future, I am going to see which suggestion will work for best for us and incorporate it, so that I don't have to do the extra Excel step. Terry Hynd EBSCO Information Services