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Canceling tasks on projects


Level 2



Wondering if anyone has ever had to deal with canceling tasks on a Project?

For example, if an Advertising Project template has a compliance task and that template is used for an Advertising Request, but the Compliance task is not needed, a client would like to just cancel the task, but not actually delete it from the Project.

to me, this seems like over-inflating the % of work complete on the Project.

Any thoughts?




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3 Replies


Level 7

Hi @JenlynMik 


if the task is truly not needed it should get removed. 

If the client insists on keeping the task, remove its plannedHours. 


Level 4

Hi Jennifer,


We have very strict template policy in our company.   We have this use case all the time.   We set the duration to "0", planned hours to "0" and mark the task status as "n/a".   We find this ignores that task when calculating work progress and jumps to the next task when its predecessor is complete.


It is a bit of administration on the part of the Project Manager or Owner of the task - but it works like a charm for our projects.




Level 6
Level 6

We work the same way as @ScottMo1 - we have a status called Not Applicable and we 0 out the duration and planned hours. The reason we do this is that, for multiple tasks in our templates, we need to be able to show that there was a decision made as to why a certain task was not required - in our case, Compliance is one of them. If you simple delete a task such as a Compliance task, it could appear as though it was forgotten or accidentally removed.