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Can System Admin - Modify Colors used in Workfront


Level 10
Do the System Admin have the authority to over ride the color selections used in Workfront? Benetta Perry APS
2 Replies


Level 3
Which color selections are you referring to? You can change the color of the global navigation bar and/or add your own logo instead of the Workfront logo. You can choose colors for statuses, priorities, and severities. Both of these options are in the Setup area and apply at a global level. You can choose colors used on charts in reports. Colors are chosen on each individual report in the chart settings. Allison Lippert Workfront allisonlippert@workfront.com


Level 10
I have users that are struggling to see clearly their tasks and project names - all from the my work / home view. I believe when a task is past due, it goes to a lighter grey color. So I really need to modify the my work / home colors. We already have our logo used as well as the Global bar updates - but i can not find where to modify colors that correspond to the my work / home area. Thanks for any help. Benetta Perry APS