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Can Start On Task Report


Level 2
I have created a task report that shows tasks that can start for each user. The issue I am having is that if a task is assigned to more than one person, the task does not show up on the report. It shows in the My Work area, but our users use the report I created on a dashboard with other reports to keep track of what tasks they have. Here is a screenshot of the filters associated with the report. Am I missing a filter or using the wrong filter? Any help would be appreciated. Joe Benes Brighthouse Financial Charlotte, NC

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2 Replies


Level 7
Try this. Instead of Task >> Assigned To ID, use Assignment Users >> ID. In short, the "Assigned To" filter will only show/pull the task owner or primary task assignee (single person). The Assignments filter will show/pull all the individuals assigned to a task (multiple people). It took me a little bit to understand this when I was first building reports, because I had the same problem in that the reports were not capturing tasks in which a person was on a task where there were multiple people assigned. Terry Hynd EBSCO Information Services


Level 2
Terry - that change fixed the issue. Thank you for sharing. Joe Benes Brighthouse Financial Charlotte, NC