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Can I add a custom date field to a form?


Level 10
Hi I need some help as I've not done this before and need some advice. I hope you'll stay with me through my explanation - I have a Task report that shows a certain set of tasks and that works nicely. - I would like to add a column to refer to the Planned Completion Date of A DIFFERENT Task within the SAME project. This would be by a query that says -- If the Task Name in this project contains "Mail Date" then display the "Planned Completion Date" of that task -- there is only one task in any project that meets the "if" criteria but theoretically it's a one to many relationship and I suspect that's my problem - I *think* I need to create a custom form with a custom field that I put into the Mail Date tasks, and that links to the date that I'm looking to retrieve (so that the field I need is contained within the task, and so the task report can find it.) 1. Is that logical? 2. If so, what would be the code for the custom field to retrieve the date? 3. If no, any other way to do get this? I will continue to research custom fields but it does make me a bit dizzy. Thank you! Jill Ackerman Jill Ackerman
23 Replies


Level 10
Same result if I leave out the "" – lots of commas. I also tried it as an Assignment collection but that didn't work, I think to use that collection you have to be on a task report.


Level 10
Hi Jill, Comma is the default listdelimiter, so what you're seeing is the comma "between" each iterated result, even though you're hiding most with either ,"" or nothing at the end of your IF statement. Instead, try this "Zero Width Joiner" trick, which will put "nothing" between each item: listdelimiter=‍ For more info, I suggest you read Narayan's "https://workfrontpro.com/how-to/how-to-add-a-collection-to-a-view/">WorkfrontPro article. Regards, Doug Doug Den Hoed - AtAppStore Got Skills? Lend a hand! https://community.workfront.com/participate/unanswered-threads


Level 10
Ahh, I didn't understand that part at all. Correction though it is: listdelimiter=‍ (you were missing the semi-colon) Thanks!!