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Calendar filters / Calculated custom fields


Level 4

Is it possible to use the Custom Dates in a calendar to report up a level. Example: I'm filterign by tasks but I want to use the Custom Date to pull a field at the Project Custom Form level.

Related - can I used calculated fields on a task form to pull info from project-level cutsom fields?

In working on my own, it doesn't appear that I can but that seems odd so not sure if I'm missing a step.


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1 Reply


Level 4

Hi Lila!

Are you trying to set up a filter so that you're comparing a date from the task to a date from the project level? Ex: Task Custom Date > Project Custom Date?

To answer your 2nd question - you should be able to reference Project information from a task form. The syntax for the calculated field is Object.Field, so if you were referencing a custom field on a task called Days Late, it would be Task.Days Late. You don't have to worry about prefixing the custom form with DE: as you usually would in text mode reporting.