Hi Therese, Last month I investigated how Slack Dates behave and shared my learnings in "https://community.workfront.com/discussions/community-home/digestviewer/viewthread?MessageKey=e151a887-5880-416d-894e-6e5ab4517b37&CommunityKey=ccf3381b-a473-4ef2-9f81-4dd3244cf522&tab=digestviewer#bme151a887-5880-416d-894e-6e5ab4517b37%23bm8">this thread . Leveraging that information, you could:
create a calculated numeric custom parameter called Slack Days
add Slack Days to a Task custom form, with a formula of DATEDIFF(Slack Date, Projected Date)
add that custom form to the Tasks of interest (or even all Tasks, to be safe)
confirm that the calculation works (eg zero on critical path Tasks, non zero on non-critical path Tasks), and that direction (positive vs negative; reverse them in the datediff)
sum up the Slack Days on a Task report, and see what it could do to help
I'm not recommending this, mind you: just spitballin' as usual. But if you give it a go, let me know how it goes. Regards, Doug Doug Den Hoed - AtAppStore Got Skills? Lend a hand!